
Getting Started With Cribl

Help Getting Started with Cribl Stream

Getting Started With Cribl

Once you have embraced and grasped the power of Cribl Stream, “Reduce! Simplify!” will become your new mantra.

Here we list some of the best Cribl Stream resources available to get you started. Most of these resources are completely free! – money is not an obstacle when beginning your Cribl Stream journey, so keep reading and start learning today!

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Splunk Data Integration – Getting Data Into Splunk

There are several ways of integrating Splunk within your environment or with your cloud service providers. In this post we will outline some of the many methods you can use to get data into Splunk. In a related post, we will outline some of the many ways to get data out of Splunk. Read more

How to Stream Twitter into Splunk in 10 Simple Steps

So many people talk about the need to index tweets from twitter into Splunk, that I figured I would write a post to explain just how easy it is. Within 10 steps and a few minutes, you will be streaming real-time tweets into Splunk, with the fields all extracted and the twitter data fully searchable. Read more